(국문) 스테인리스 스틸을 소재로 한 주방용품 전문 제조기업으로서 다양한 디자인과 크기의 수저통, 식기류 보관통, 과일과 채소용 채반 및 주방 씽크 배수구 망 등을 공급하고 있다. 자동화 생산 라인과 연구개발 팀을 보유하고 있어 체계적인 생산과 제품 개발에 강점이 있는 기업이다
(en) NewTech Co., Ltd. is an expert manufacturer of high-quality kitchen utensils made of stainless steel. We supply a wide variety of kitchen items such as cutlery holders, trays for fruit and vegetables, and kitchen sink strainers in different designs or sizes. We have our own automatic production lines and R&D team to create better products as a customer-focused company.
Cutlery Holder
This is one of our signature products. It is a rectangular-type cutlery holder or spoon/chopsticks holder with a T-shaped hanger. It is multi-functional and convenient to use properly in the kitchen.
Utensil Holder
This utensil holder is one of the most popular kitchen utensils. It is a round holder with its silicone stand. It is a little taller than ordinary ones and very stable. You can use it in a convenient way in the kitchen and dining table.
Twin Holder
It has a unique design and beautiful features. It is consisted of two different types of round holders. You can use it everywhere in the kitchen as it is easy to handle.