(국문) 나무인터내셔널은 한국에서 영/유아 층부터 청년 층까지 모든 연령을 대상으로 하여 최신 유행에 맞춘 최고의 캔디/스낵류 제품들을 유통하는 기업입니다.
(en) Namu International is one of the leading trading company deals with top-quality confectionery products(candy, jelly, chocolate, etc) targeting adults as well as infants/toddlers in South Korea.
Cotton Candy Birthday
Post on social media with rainbow-colored Cotton Cake for your birthday!
Lots of popular Youtuber, blogger, Instagram influencer, and TicToker review this product and buy for their anniversaries.
All of our customers are very satisfied and post on their social media as well.
Since this colorful and lovely cotton cake contains match and taper,
consumers can celebrate on birthday and other anniversaries easily.
It is useful under this kind of situation :
1. People who want to take eye-catching pictures with other foods in one take.
2. People who are burdened of big cake on their birthday.
Pasta Jelly
One of the best choice for kids!
Pasta-shaped jelly contains 4 types of contents :
1. Long and chewy jelly - Spaghetti
2. Popping candy powder - Parsley, Pepper
3. Strawbelly syrup - Tomato paste
You can be a chef as put popping candy powder and syrup on colorful spaghetti-shaped-jelly with mini fork!
Not only makes feel eating real pasta by using fork, but also helps children develop their emotions.
What's more, popping candy will not make you boring while eating this jelly.
This product won the 1st price at food review contest on TBS(Japanese most popular broadcast station).
Watermelon Seed Candy
1) Flavor
You can feel mouthful Ramune(Japanese soda) flavor after chewing candy.
2) Shape
Watermelon shape of package and watermelon seed shape/color of candy attract consumer's eyes.
3) Topping
Good collaboration with sherbet or icecream : you can feel variety of flavors.