(국문) ㈜바이오뉴트리젠은 비만증, 심장 순환기질환, 간질환 등을 포함하는 다양한 성인병 등에 도움이 되는 건강식품, 음료, 식품 첨가제 및 미용식품 소재 개발과 더불어 독성과 부작용이 없는 원료 개발을 위한 천연 신소재 개발을 주요 목표로 하고 있습니다.
(en) Bionutrigen Co. Ltd is making strong effort to make the world top level immune boosting, anti-viral, liver health food, slimming food and beverage products which are useful for Immune system, anti-virus, liver health, alcohol detoxification and anti-obesity without any side effect. Our product liver supplement, Slim&Slim and nature’s energizers are exported to Russia, China, Canada, North America, Bangkok and EU.
Liver supplement
Liver supplement is a liver health tea made with a liver health substance ‘JBB20’ which is much stronger than the existing medicine in improving liver health. It also has a hangover relieving effect that Silymarine does not have.
Slim&Slim is a diet tea made with an anti-obesity food substance ‘Slim&Slim’ which is extracted from vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. It is useful for reducing body fat, cholesterol, LDL, etc. without any side effect.
JBB20SUPER Hepmmune Products
JBB20SUPER Hepmmune Products(tablet, stick powder tea, drink) is for boosting immune system and boosting anti-corona viral defense power.